We deployed cutting edge web technologies in delivering a secure, high-performance suite of solutions to Drinkaware.
Micro-service tools
We designed and built multiple web applications (tools) composed of ‘micro-frontends’, each sending and receiving data to various microservice-driven APIs. This API layer also integrated with DotMailer CRM and a bespoke integration with Google Tag Manager allowing Drinkaware to track individual user events.
Azure APIm
We used Azure API Management (APIm) and Azure services to manage and compose RESTful APIs to multiple services under a single ‘house style’. This allowed Drinkaware to create a consistent and modern API gateway for their backend services.
Azure cognitive search
Leveraging Azure’s cloud services, Azure Cognitive Search was used for global site search, faceted search, auto suggest and autocorrect to provide users with an intuitive way to discover and navigate content anywhere in the site while maintaining high levels of speed and performance.
Tracking and reporting
Drinkaware wanted to better understand the motivations of their users, how they navigate and interact with the site, what data they submitted and how their drinking behaviour changed over time. To support this requirement, we implemented a complex user event tracking system linked up to PowerBI via Azure Data Warehouse to provide the advanced data required.
Azure and FrontDoor
Azure cloud services allowed for Blob storage of static assets and files with CDN for distributed caching; event sourcing architecture; APIm and end to end encryption between services, while FrontDoor provides load balancing and caching of site content to further improve application performance as well as protect Drinkaware from DDoS attacks.
Azure Application Insights
We implemented advanced logging using Azure Application Insights, allowing us to monitor in real time events generated by the system. Additionally, a series of performance alerts were set up within the system to alert our team should the level of errors breach a predefined limit, enabling fast response times and identification of issues which may occur.